Archive | December 2019

DECEMBER Gratitudes and Prayer Needs


Chosen BEFORE creation was created THROUGH HIM, and born as a baby, GOD and HUMAN through an obedient and believing virgin named Mary, he grew as A TENDER SHOOT AND ROOT OUT OF DRY GROUND into manhood.  He showed us HOW to live as extensions of the GOD ALMIGHTY, even rejected by men as he was, living and proclaiming his HOPE FOR THE WORLD.  He EVEN DIED FOR ALL OF US, in order to GIVE US LIFE THROUGH ETERNITY, RECONCILING BACK TO GOD ALL WHO BELIEVE IN HIM.  He ROSE FROM THE DEAD, defeating death itself and now LIVES INSIDE OF CHRISTIANS through the Holy Spirit.  God told both Mary and Joseph separately that his name would be JESUS (The Lord Saves)!


In the end, “at the name of Jesus, EVERY knee should bow, in heaven and on earth, and under the earth, and EVERY tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, to the glory of God the Father.  –Philippians 2: 10-11

Giving thanks entering December

  • We give thanks once again for this year’s ICOM (Int’l Conference on Missions) of the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.  The speakers were incredible and challenging—both to churches and to individual Christians.  We saw many missionary and church friends, and sold many Chile marble “creations”, as usual.  As you can see in the below photo, children LOVE sifting through them!
  • EMI (Engineering Ministry Int’l) will be helping us evaluate and plan the development of our new land in middle Chile.  They are set to arrive around March 2020 with a team of approximately 12 engineers, architects, surveyors, and other professionals to study the large property’s terrain and other characteristics with relation to our vision and hopes for the property’s purposes!  Below is a photo of the signature page of our agreement with EMI.  PTL!!
  • Camila continues to do a good job on our Santiago mission property of connecting to the mothers staying on our Santiago mission property.

ICOM 2019 main session3  ICOM 2019 kids love our Chile marbles  EMI signatures on agreement

Praying in December

Colomba        20 Chile unrest2

  • The health of Colomba, one of the twin girls born prematurely two months ago at just over 1 pound each is in a very precarious health situation, having survived several operations to this point.  Camila prays with the mom, Marisa.  Please join us all in praying for little Colomba and Marisa.  Colomba’s twin sister, María Jesús, is due to be released from the hospital before year-end.  
  • Also pictured above is a photo of the television report in mid October of the protests and destruction of property in different major Chilean cities this past month.  Since, several nationwide strikes and looting of stores   CONTINUE TO basically immobilize the country, as the government seeks ways to restore peace.  A revision of Chile’s constitution is set for 2020, but the protests and destruction continue.  Please pray for CHILE and ALL countries, including the United States!
  • ALL OF US have relatives and friends that do not know and follow Jesus and do not have his LIVING HOPE in their lives.  Let us pray together for the rescue, hope, and re-birth that comes with a born and real Jesus, AS WE OURSELVES CLAIM IT, LIVE IT, AND SHARE IT!!

Thank you for your GIFT of prayer and fasting for our work in Chile and the work of all Christian churches and missionaries!

Praising, praying, and fasting with you in our JESUS IS ALWAYS THE REASON GOD,

 Jack & Janine