Archive | May 2017

MAY 2017 Praises & Prayer Needs

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.  –Mark 1: 35

May 4th is the yearly National Day of Prayer in the United States.  This special day in its early years in the 1770s was declared as a day of prayer and fasting.  In 1952 it was permanently placed on the first Thursday of May as an officially recognized day for prayer and meditation in the United States.

Jesus knew well the need to pray by himself to stay connected to his Father and receive the strength he needed to carry out his work and mission in the world, especially after giving of himself so completely that day or the night before.  The above reference occurred after Jesus had spent the whole evening before healing many sick and demon-possessed brought to him in Capernaum.  In Matt. 14:23 Jesus withdrew by himself to pray in the evening after being followed by large crowds to a very “remote place” and then healing their sick during the day.  That afternoon he had converted 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread into enough food to feed 5,000 men, plus all women and children present.  Luke 5: 16 tells us that he often withdrew by himself to pray.

If we are to complete our mission work in Chile and if Christians around the world are doing the same where they live, we all MUST follow Jesus’ example.  Miss Clara (in the movie, The War Room) had a prayer closet with written notes posted to the walls.  I, Jack, keep and use an on-going journal and use it wherever I find myself.  Whatever the method and wherever the place, this is an encouragement to stay “prayered-up”—connected and strong.


Our new director Andrea continues meeting with representatives of different agencies and government departments dealing with the care of and adoption of children.  As mentioned last month, her work includes the design of the internal regulations we will follow at every level of our work.  We are meeting regularly to monitor and set goals for progress.  In view of steadily changing government policies, we are currently strongly considering available and good options in the broader scope and design of how we can receive and work with children and better help families.  Thank you for continuing to pray for all these important steps.

Yesterday, May 1st,, was Chile’s Labor Day.  We took advantage of a beautiful day to come together with special friends and with those involved in our work with children in Santiago.  Building relationship with those we work with is also important in teamwork.  Also pictured are 2 photos of our team “walking” land in Ñipas.



Our trip to Ñipas to see additional land to be used in the development of the children’s camp went well.  Three other persons went with us to “walk” Domingo’s property and the other larger tract of land for sale in the same area to help visualize potential and design.  We will see another tract with them later this month and the legal recording of Domingo’s property is also in its final stage.  It is key that we as a Board with Domingo and Sandra stay focused on specific, possible progress and on how to achieve it.  We still have a trip to northern Chile pending to meet with Carlos and wife Nena, who are interested in being a part of the project.  Living on the land, he would serve as hands-on administrator of the project.  Thanks for praying with us.

Praising, praying, and fasting as we all serve our Praying and Connected Jesus,

Jack & Janine