Archive | April 2014

April 2014 Prayer Letter

After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed, “Father, the time has come.  Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you.”  –John 17:1

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.  –Prov. 16: 9

God truly is the author of time and of steps.  When he prayed to his Father, Jesus was well aware that his time had come to suffer and die to complete his mission.  Jesus’ love and steady steps led him to the cross to pay for OUR sins, all to his Father’s glory—an act that Christian churches everywhere in the world commemorate and give God thanks for this month.  In the same way we pray and plan and recognize our heavenly Father, who guides our steps forward to his glory.  Thank you once again for your steady prayers for us and for God’s work through us.  They make a real difference, as God responds to them.


We, as the board for the Foundation in formation, have met several times in planning our most important organizational steps.  Our March meetings with each set of house parents went well.  It was also clear that Daniel & Ingrid would need to move on, which they did before the end of the month.  We are now at work in the cleaning and painting of their house.  Our new Peruvian house parents, Jorge and Marylin, are staying with us.

Issues such as vision, goals, and type of child we should work with are “on the table” for discussion, as well as  beginning personnel roles and needs within budget constraints.  Steps to best help provide good direction are being set in motion.  NUMBER ONE on the first steps list is prayer.  How many times have we and you asked for God’s direction for and blessing of plans, only to find our own plans “adjusted”. J  The prayers of the saints, with fasting and with thanksgiving, are the key.  We as a board have many meetings and steps in front of us in these coming months, as God takes us forward.

Nothing new to report on a house for the Swansons or on a suitable office/locale for the church.  Jack and Janine have a short trip planned to the Concepción/Penco area of Chile this first week of April.  One full day of the trip will be spent looking at a tract of land that might serve well as a rural camp/teaching center site.  A Christian Family with a “kingdom work” approach to life would like to see it used for God’s purposes.  We have only recently met them and are looking forward to seeing the property and to also finding out more about their intentions and dreams.

We have another very significant prayer request to share.  You might remember Ana and Millarai, twins that lived in our residence home for children in 2010 and 2011.  They left to live with relatives in Antofagasta (northern Chile).  The girls recently turned 13 years old.  Unbeknownst to us (as the girls’ new parents, Tomas and Gilda, had lost our cell phone number) in September, 2013, Milla developed a tumor on her left knee, diagnosed now as osteosarcoma, and it metastasized to her lungs, although the new tumors are inactive.  She came to Santiago for chemo therapy in November and her serious condition grew worse with a stomach infection in February of this year, sending her to ICU for four weeks.  Her kidneys failed and she was put on a respirator.   It was at this point (through a friend on facebook) that we became aware of her condition and Janine visited the hospital.  We began letting churches and acquaintances of the girls know, as well as putting out the word of her immediate need for blood donors.  She needed 97 units of blood.   Many have responded (TYL!) and she now lacks less than 60 units.

A couple weeks ago (another praise), her kidneys began to function again and she started breathing on her own.  She is out of ICU and back in isolation in the cancer ward, where is she is gaining strength to undergo surgery to remove the tumor from her knee.  A team of doctors is treating her and her condition is more than serious!  Gilda has been given an apartment and expects to stay in Santiago for the remainder of the year.  PLEASE PRAY FOR:

  • Milla’s recovery.  We are praying for a miracle!!
  • Gilda and her family to be reached through Christian witnesses.
  • Tomas, their 11-year-old daughter, Catalina, & Milla’s twin, Ana, remain in Antofagasta (a 2 ½ hour plan trip).
  • For how Gilda & Tomas should relate to Milla’s immediate family in Santiago, who had abandoned the girls.

“Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm.  Nothing is too hard for you.”  –Jeremiah 32:17

Perhaps the greatest Miracle of All is Jesus Christ and all that HE has done for us.  A VERY SPECIAL & MEANINGFUL PASSION WEEK & RESURRECTION WEEKEND TO YOU ALL!!

Praising, praying, and fasting with you in our Exact-time, Steps-determining, Miracle, Glorified God,

Jack & Janine