Archive | August 2013

August 2013 Prayer Letter

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.  But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.  Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.  But how can one keep warm alone?  Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.  A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Boy, isn’t THAT the truth?! J  How strengthening these words of Solomon in Ecclesiastes 4 should be to all, but especially to those immersed in God’s work and purposes throughout the world.  They follow words about a lonely, discontented, selfish man and his “meaningless” life.  Reading through Paul’s letters to the churches in the New Testament it’s amazing how he continually sent brothers to visit the churches.  He knew and fostered the power inherent in church “bodies”, and he knew the power inherent in personal contact with others.  He himself traveled with Luke and with others and received visitors wherever he found himself. Team and personal contact go hand in hand, for churches and for missionaries.

We so thank you for praying for us and for visiting us over the years (this past month the church from Manteno, IL was here)—we value being in team with you!  We value the strength and diversity we receive in “Chile team” together, as missionaries here, and we value visitors and new arrivals to the work in Chile.  We value working with Chileans—in the church, in the children’s residence, and in our other outreaches and ministries.

Thank you, God, for being the source of “team”, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  You came to heal and fill loneliness, to leave us contented in all things, and to call us to a “one another” focus on others.  Bless our relationships and keep them close through personal contact, ALL to your glory!!

August Team Petitions

  • Please give thanks for and pray for our two sets of house parents with whom the children live.  Daniel and Ingrid have completed three full years.  They’ve grown a lot in their roles and we are grateful for them.  Please pray for strong marriages for both couples—Pablo and Cynthia especially need prayer.  The house parents are a key component of change in the children.
  • Continue praying for all of us, that we might work well in team together and create the best positive environment possible for the children to live in.  They need discipline, but they need more to realize self worth, purpose and possibilities.  God’s love, God’s way.
  • Several of the children are barely passing their courses at school.  Please pray that they might want to do better.  We are working on ideas in that area.
  • Teammates Jim & Kari have taken on a new role in ministry, with Jim teaching at a ChristianSchool.  The job also comes with housing (a praise!), so Janine & I will be able to now live in one of the houses on the ministry property while we continue to look for a house of our own.  This is a step in the right direction, and thank you for continuing to pray that we might find a rental house.
  • Give thanks for and pray for Ross Parry, a new member of the extended missionary team, who arrived from Australia in mid-July to help in our work with the children, teaching them music and helping them with English.  With regard to English, he has a TESL (English-teaching) certificate, and will be able to help coordinate our community-offered English Club.  He expects to stay in Santiago for three to nine months.
  • Lastly, please pray for me (Jack) as I re-insert myself into other ministry areas, such as into the church’s leadership team and going south to Penco and Dichato, re-connecting with families as I continue to look for available land for a future children’s camp and Christian retreat center.  I did recently (with the guys from the Manteno church) re-start monthly devotions at the men’s drug rehab center.  Last year was furlough in the U.S. and this year I was there as well, having my sinus surgery.

Praising, praying, and fasting with you in our Personal-Contact Jesus,

Jack & Janine