Archive | July 2018

JULY’S Praises and Prayer Requests

“I am praying not only for these disciples (his original disciples) but also for all who will ever believe in me because of their testimony.  My prayer for all of them is that they will be ONE, just as you and I are ONE, Father—that just as you are in me and I am in you, so they will be in us, and the world will believe you sent me.”  (New Living Translation, with font accents added)

We Christians need unity in Jesus with each other—in prayer and gratitude and in our work!  The value and strength of unity in God are taught throughout the Bible, and we can’t help but give thanks for how He has put us together with so many that believe in the name of his Son in carrying forward his purposes and plans here in Chile.  Yes, we might come from different types of churches, but the common denominator we share comes from unity in Jesus.  This month of July also marks the independence of the United States of America–…. “one nation under God”.  One can’t help but ponder that those exact words give God more glory than the actual independence of the country.

In entering July:

We have been almost overwhelmed these past two weeks and into the first weeks of July in moving into the one house (out of four) of our Santiago mission property not directly involved with the carrying out of our work.  This has meant moving out of the house we have been renting for just over two years and has also meant MUCH work on the part of all of us.  While we have been blessed by living in our rented house, the timing of the move was right to allow for our travel in and outside of the country.  In Santiago break-ins and robberies are not uncommon.  It makes it necessary to have an almost daily presence in your home (plus guard dogs 😊).  One especially good blessing coming out of the move has been the donation of our custom kitchen cabinets and sink to a home for older girls.  One of their houses lacked a kitchen, so they really appreciated now being able to install ours, along with receiving our clothes dryer and Jack’s office desk and bookcase.  Thank you for praying for the successful finishing of our move.  It’s been difficult for Janine to participate much in the lifting and moving process, but on the other hand, her arm continues to heal with therapy and we are thankful for modern medicine.

In the meantime, APEM (Apoyo para el Embarazo), the new pregnancy center mentioned in last month’s prayer letter, has been moving into one of our mission property houses.  We are both excited for them and grateful to be able to support such a work that goes hand in hand with our own—just another example of “being ONE”.  They hope to train their volunteers in July to be ready to counsel and aid women beginning in August.  Thank you for your continued prayers on their behalf.  Here is a link to view our interview with Kathy Anderson, president of their foundation:

We also pray that additional progress be made this month regarding the middle-Chile camp & retreat center, especially in achieving some concrete steps taken in the formation of its legal identity.

Praising, praying, and fasting for all believers’ “ONENESS in our absolutely ONE” GOD,

Jack & Janine